Monday, June 25, 2012

Acidion the Golem

I once met a man,
Of Hardened,
Blackened fire,
As I wandered down a road,
Full of petty ire.

He yelled and jeered,
And called my name,
His tone was full of hate,
Of me and mine,
And his and mine,
And something about my mate.

I wandered over just to ask him,
How he knew my name,
And he replied,
So soft the sound did die,
"It was you that did create me..."

"I know your name,
Your favorite stone,
And how you love your wife,
Your mother's face,
Your father's tone,
And the deeds you've done to make me."

And as he and I explored,
The origins of his birth,
His acid tone,
And his obsidian face,
Start to look just like me.

So much so,
I caught myself,
Before I called him,
With mine own,
And asked him,
"What's your name?"

And he responded,
Quite sincere,
With a happy, cheerful smile,
"My name is no wonder,
Yes it's quite simple,
I'm Acidion."

And to respond,
As I did,
"My pleasure, Acidion."

You create your own irks and quirks, and if you don't control yourself, they can get out of control.
Try meditating on serenity and calm every morning for ten minutes before you get out of bed, I assure you, it will improve your day.

"Man is his own downfall, Not the devil."


Tuesday, June 19, 2012


Today, I deliver a post, relating to my favorite creature. Dragons are majestic, imperial, and strong. They are also misunderstood by both sides of the globe. A dragon is supposed to be wise but vicious, brutal but understanding, you as dragons are a main symbol of En, I will present a poem about them rectifying there tragic misunderstood nature.

Roam the lands,
High in the sky,
Sweetly spending my time.
Down for a meal,
Then down for a nap,
No rhyme or reason define.

I'm simple,
But I give my advice,
Gathered from wisdom recieved from my year,
But where experience lacks,
And insanity slacks,
I rule my kingdoms with fear.

For in fear I find,
Insanity abides,
And people avoid my gaze,
They do what I want,
And live out there lives,
No need to kill large amounts and raze.

Down near the Earth,
I burn and I kill,
Falsely spread all my deeds,
But up in the sky,
Where nothing designs,
All of my loves and my needs.

I hope others pay real attention to this poem, and don't take me for a dragon loving buffoon. I recognize that the major half of western civilization used to make them out to be montrous fiends and the east makes them rulers, but nothing makes a dragon one thing or the other. I think that dragons, like all myths, share their natures with a real thing, that combines most of the mythological aspects. I also recognize that the ancients didn't know a lot of modern tendencies, but that didn't make them stupid.

"A thing is just an existence, without a description, but that doesn't make it any less real."


Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day Special

Hello, today is Father's Day. On this very specal day, we celebrate all fathers and grandfathers, for the wonderful gifts they've given us. And now, I present my gift in thanks for my grandfather and father. Here it is.

To find what's cool and not,
In the child,
The school that rots,
Looks to others,
The father the most,
To fix the chld,
No, it just wants to roast.

The trouble we bring,
Ending one day,
Is rarely something missed,
As his hearts' put to play.

For all that he's done,
We thank him thim this day,
Hes helped us along,
It's His turn this day.
Happy Father's day.

"The mother may be the birther, but the father is the helper, protecter, and nurturer."


Thursday, June 14, 2012


Flying so high,
Up in the sky,
Existing for
A day. I die.

I burst into
Flames ashes to
Dust to egg and
Life, night and day.

A monotone,
I ease to drone,
On and on again.
 *        *           *

Majestic beauty,
I ponder the words,
As I look at you,

You have grace, fortune,
And love from the world,
You embody pride...

Itself all alone,
Can never compare,
Young Pheonix Wise and...


Pheonix's or Pheonixi are different depending on the mythology you look at, but all share common traits and characteristics. I wrote these poems thinking about the different Ideas you can find looking from different directions, and combined them into one that not only introduces both aspects of reality but seperate stylations of poetic art. I really hope people pay attention to this one and tommorows poem, for they have much do with the very fabric of EN itself.

"There are those who see one thing and think another, Then there are those who see two things and think of one, Last there are those insane people who see everything, but take sides, but who do you want to be?"


Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Important Notice

As the mark of the 200th view, the fact that I've mostly run out of ideas, and can barely remember some old lessons of mine, I urge you to please post in suggestions, questions, and comments, so I can continue posting. We have had a few postings at the sight whose questions have been answered, but no suggestions have been posted for this event. If no suggestions are recieved by this Friday, June 15th, the event will be canceled. I cannot continue to rack my brain for ideas that just will not come, it isn't healthy.

Good night,


Monday, June 4, 2012

Mango Grove (Man and The monkey)

Hiding among the trees,
The peerless fruit,
Of lasting greed,
Is pilfered by man's old creed.

Desire lasting, singing old songs,
In new ways, moldy growings,
Giving birth to ringing gongs,
And Patiently waiting.

He comes in and steals again,
And she takes back,
Always keeping and taking,
Till now as the simple ones start to give,
The earth grows again.

This monkey plays,
And fearlessly writhes,
In a dance of frenzy and fury,
Stealing from the Mango Grove,
To give back to the Earth again.

Don't wait to do something kind,
Just do it,
And pay no heed,
To those that would take away.

The World reacts to kindness, prefering shifters and movers, to removers. Respect your enviroment, and let natural things take progress without interference. Interferance in the natural process of acceptance and renewal, has always been greeted with distaste and dislike. You don't have to keep your opinions to yourself though, just don't let it interfere with anothers decisions. Acceptance is a part of life and nature, so try not to let fear rule you.  Unfortunately for Politicians today, they've let fear and desire seize them by the neck, and rarely do they do their jobs anymore.

"Let light lighten and be rewarded, block the shadow and be ruled by fear."


Sunday, June 3, 2012


We hide,
And always attack behind,
Our predatory prey,
And even when we're outmatched,
We are still something to fear.

When you've got us by the throat,
We'll cry and get you then,
For it's in your nature,
To pity a passing trend.

Don't ever, ever,
Ever turn your back,
To us,
It's thus,
We will steal your tears.

Crocodiles are dangerous creatures, they will attack whenever they are hungry, and in a crocodile's case they normally are. Beware false tears for if you ever believe them, you have already lost the long run.

"To find the truth, look for facts. To find pity, look for lies."


Firefly blues

As nightime fills the air,
I flip my light,
Don't stop,
Please stare,
At the whirling pretty lights,
Of daily supper twilight.

I've got to mention right now,
It don't take but a second,
To fill the air,
So bright, no aires,
Of me, my sons, and friends.

As the sun takes us to the end,
Of our faithful day,
We've got to move,
Get up and groove,
To end this fateful day.

To our funky friends, the fireflies, thanks for helping us end our day in a most cheerful way. It reminds us that even in death, you can find some happiness.

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, Satisfaction is in the hands."


Friday, June 1, 2012


Through the walls,
Count on us to kill them all,
Our prey is all that we do seek,
Upon our very shortened week.

We laze about and sleep all day,
And come up when night to play,
Forever seeking our dear heat,
An easy path sought out to seek,
For we Slither, Slither our dear runes,
With the cosmic sign of lune.

Greedy, Avaricious day,
Slight of hand, our poker play,
Vicious and most Proud too,
We fear the color, hour most blue,
Wrathful, Vengeful, Stomach in knots,
Intellegent wisdom with which to wraught,
The ending hour we fought and lost.

Good thing we are patient too.

Don't really have anything to say with this one, may find something one day, but for now, enjoy.