Thursday, May 31, 2012


I float and float,
Float away,
The limits of,
Any mocking-jay.

Your sky my sea,
Clouds are waves,
Company free,
To sieze the day.

Not so clever,
Unlike you,
Who perch upon,
The lightest bow,

I regard my fall,
As I regard my rise,
As asanine I,
Free to feel at rest as,
I move about more.

My jelatinous friend the jellyfish has no cares in the world. Unlike birds it shifts only by ocean currents. It almost seems to have no free will or life of its own. Bu he has the same freedom as a butterfly, perhaps more.

"For he has no more cares in the World, he is at rest."

Take some time off and relax when you feel stressed out. Even if its only for a few days, it is always unhealthy to work yourself to your limits. Respect your body, but not too much, as....

"There is always a 'too much' for everything"


Wednesday, May 30, 2012


Hello on today, May 30, with a special post.

Somebody had asked me to do a post on Animals. So with yesterday, until July 3, I will do a Special post on an animal per day and I will do a post July 4th on my favorite animal, for a superspecial Independance Day Double poem. Feel free to send in suggestions on that days post, and I might choose one for the next day. Here is today's "Bear."

What we think of bears.

What we feel of bears.

Ourselves around the bears.

"Figure it out."


Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Hello screaming mockingbird,
I sing for you, I sing for you,
I sell my song of pain to you,
Just for you, Just for you.

To mock my downfall, and,
Be true to you, Be true to you,
To hear my pain sung back to me,
Just like you, Just like you,

I realize I don't need any more,
Songs from you, Songs from you,
I've found myself and in Sorrow no more,
Unlike you, Unlike you.

Bullying works both ways, and when you bully someone you're just voicing your opinions and hopes on the person, who all you want is to stand up for themselves. A bully only bullies, because they're locked out away from the group, whether its because they don't understand soething right away, or they don't have capacity for understanding positive emotions, or the most common, just not having the same tastes as the majority. Mockingbirds are only the starting point of serious bullying, as its not the bully's immediate fault for doing what he/she does, typically, but bullying is the majority trying to find a scapegoat. Real bullying is never starts out physical, it is the emotional need to pry open a person psyche, toy with it, and put it in on the wrong roads. The only ones who become physical bullies are those with the potential of a conqueror. I can't really explain it, but a friend of mine used to be bullied, he completely turned the bullying around on his own, and continuosly got in trouble for bullying, while he was standing up for my and others emotions. he was a black shep of his family, and had problems everywhere he went. But he always stood up for what he believed in, whether it got him in trouble or not. HE is who this poem goes out to, and whether he seesit or not, I want him to know that I really respect what he did for me and others, albeit in his own unique way.

"A flower that blooms but once every thousand years, is a thousand times prettier, than one that blooms every day, even if, it only blooms for a little while."


Friday, May 25, 2012


Age is relavent to how we feel. Depending on how old we feel we are, we make differentvarying sets of choices. We ignore good advice, pay attention to spirituality, and even reminisce about things that could have happened only a month ago.

What I'm saying is that the young can feel old, and the old can feel young, depending on their outlook. If, for say, an eighty year old man watches cartoons, like tom and jerry, just for instance, feels young by doing so and remebering his youth, why don't others like him dong that? (If anyone who reads this is confused by who or what type of person i mean by others, i am referring to the stereotypical 40-year old socialite) It is because in thier viewpoint childish, and it makes them feel very old. The problem with what the person does, (retirement homes, insane-asylum, nursery home, cutting him out of the family), is that none of that is necessary.

When we get to the age, where we can feel our own age or others, is a point where we become selfish. We want to think of the best and age just isn't part of that group. NOBODY wants to feel old, or nostalgic, it gives a great pain that touches our souls in a profound way. When we feel age, we feel Death knocking at our door, ready to take us to whatever is next, whether it be another life or just void.
It scares the smallest of our young, in the primal cores of our being, just being near death, and at how easily it catches us.

To love thyself, to expect the best from oneself, and not because we want to please others, is the only way to combat our selfish, egotistical, maniacal and illogical inner natures. I say this because true love and respect for oneself is not easily found, and I wish for all people to have a chance to give to one another and become what we feel is holiest of holies, a true loving man.

"Man's innermost nature is dark, but what is dark but the shadow of light."


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mothers Day

Happy Mothers Day to all the mothers and grandmothers who happen to view this page today.  This world wouldn't be what this world is today without them. A grand quantity of the people of this earth would either no longer exist or blow to smithereens this very instant if someone wished that mothers never existed and that wish came true. And I am sorry to the ones who view this post as morbid, afterall I want to attract more people than just mothers to my posts, and to moms everywhere this post will get better soon.

To celebrate Mothers Day, I am going to create two special, one of a kind Poems dedicated to mothers everywhere, but especially to my Mother and Grandmother, today. Enjoy


Special thanks,
For what youve done
For giving birth to me.

For giving love,
And happiness,
To me in months of Spring.

For all the year,
The support,
And things you bring,

To graduate,
And to spread my wings
I wish great love to you.


Moral and Non-physical,
I wouldn't get by without you,

My beliefs and happiness,
No wrong you taught me to do,
Even in my doubts, you told me to,

Pass away my evils,
Throw away my vice,
Support my moral guiding point,
Give it all my might.

Thank you.

And with these poems I hope they will find, my thanks and love fo them.

Happy Mothers Day


Thursday, May 10, 2012

Requests for Posts

I don't believe I mentioned this before, but if anyone who visits this site would like me to give my opinion or produce work on a certain topic, feel free to post your idea/s in the comments below. I am also repeating my request for others to post their ideas, opinions, and work/poetry on the site, as long as it is appropriate, as in, not offensive to any race, religion, culture, or insulting of another post on my site. I don't approve of any form of cyber-bullying, and rudeness isn't typically refreshing. Try to accentuate the positive/negative without being to aggresive.

Also all posts on this site are subject to being looked after by me before they are seen by others, if I find ANYTHING wrong with your posts, I will not allow it to be seen, and I will give a strong warning to you, before, I ban  you from this site...

But other than moralistic and legal principles that state I have to warn you before I do anything, I really would appreciate it if more people would post on my site.

Happy Mothers Day


Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Shadowman

Merrymaking and merry-be,
The Shadowman who lives in thee,
When he's had his fill of fun,
He burns, HE burns, The light of the Sun.

His joy is rotten,
His taste gone sour,
The selfpity in him,
The Soul turned Dour.

Emotionless from beginning,
He sees the world in grays and greens,
Sorrow rings from that empty point,
But nothing is there,
A falsehood appoint.

He lives in secrecy,
In the shadows of lies,
His physical self naught but disguise.

He lives in the moment,
Rotting away,
This poison is him,
And it kills him each day.

To be the Shadowman,
He sold and he sold,
Till nothing was left,
Save for the rational bold.

The cynic,
The Deathless,
The children,
Are he,
Shadowman and torment
Are all that he brings.

But the day he dies is never and varied,
He made himself poison,
His Anger, his Creed.

The Shadowman made himself, through rage and loss. He sold the very thing worshipped in present society, and through the events that followed,turned himself into a living corpse, someone rotting from the inside. Self-control is a very important thing to be had. If not for that we as a species would have killed ourselves off from our own emotional poison long ago. Without the understanding of all emotions man has made itself great by teaching others of his kind things they would not learn on their own. Fear, Wrath, Sorrow, Joy, Love, And Peacefulness. Though I desperately wish I could discredit the fifth, Even the cynics such as myself, have to agree that it is one of the most important emotions in our society. But what I must say is that through the aforementioned, many great sights can be seen, but with fair warning, do NOT attempt to cause any two of those emotions to exist at the same time within someone you care about and love. It is a horribly painful experience that cannot be healed. With my little experience I must say, do not create a Shadowman, as, like parasites and viruses, it tends to spread.

"With Control, Man has no equal, Without, He is nothing more than the ape of his ancestors."
Sorry I don't remember exactly where the quote came from but I hold no ownership of this particular quote directly above this line, as it is intended, on my site, for intellectual stimulation.
