Thursday, August 29, 2013

Double-Sided (Based on the Painting 'White and Black' by DeviantArt user 'david-plus-1')

In the right,
I left it where it belonged,
Surrounded by the beauteous night,
All had wronged,
But it still sang it's song.

Daytime atrophy,
The blackened bush,
Burned by its insanity,
Still left a rush,
It's beauty left to all...

That lonely tree,
On all sides surrounded by what it aught to be,
Its Duality,
Ripped apart,
But the limbs still reach,
Reach so far,
Proud to be,
And looking for more.

In it's shadow,
Left and right,
The tree in darkness,
And in Light,
Hide the invisible,
Hide the viewer in it's reach,
The great tree I'm looking at,
It's still too far to breach,
Break the lines that can confine,
That one,
Is you,
And this one here,
Is me.


For any who wonder, this is the Painting I was talking about.

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