Everything leaves a signature for what it is, no matter if it be human, culture, or otherwise. Recognizing that signature and what it stands for is one of the epitomies of enlightenment. To recognize your own work and others for their quality, style, and form is a gift that can only be learned with experience and humbleness. A persons true writing will not always look, but be and feel the same as any of his/her other works, to the person who has accumulated enough experience. With those skills of observation (a key element of EN), a person can even recognize another's work in any writer. You can tell what a person has done, what they will do, and who they are simply by looking and comparing facts, such as a scrape on the palm of your hand to the way you hold yourself when you walk. There are always enigma, but with the skills bought by observation and experience, you can rarely go wrong. The only key fact of observation to truly keep as a countermeasure to what I have taught in this paragraph, is to remember, there are limits and variables to every question and fact.
There are plenty of sides to every story, we only think about two, because that is the way it is easiest to keep track of it.
There are plenty of sides to every story, we only think about two, because that is the way it is easiest to keep track of it.
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