Friday, May 30, 2014

Hell, All Nonsense, Dream Sequence ((H.A.N.D.S.))

Bloody tears and screaming cries
Fall from angels in dark disguise.
Hated speech and vitriol vowels
Turn and rend wounds from heads
In the bowels
Of the deepest pits and dungeon.
Bread with wine and honeyed words
decorate the corpses of ravens
and their corpulent masters
 As ringing joyous golden bells
Tear down the shields separating hell.
Silver mourning on broken refrains
The cracked vocals of mothers voicing their pain
Keep the demons in power with no restraint.
Level limits without restraint
The wills of the faithful who succumb to hate.
The greedy and miserly of worship and vows,
Hypocrites and despoilers find their home
And punishment grueling.
To be cut into quarters, aware and alive
Is a punishment all dearly despise.
Insane and foolish
Find themselves in paradise
Spurning advances not egregious outwise to beat at their flesh.
With hammers and pickets, like scythes cutting yield,
The Hopeless-not-actors  are rent by despair and regret.
Thorns twist and pull, digging into the flesh
Of betrayers of justice.
The fools who judge one side,
with no hope for the criminals but to destroy,
T'was their lack in being wise.
Red hot irons twist and gouge,
Repeating lines across flesh ad nauseam
For those that forget.
Spot the hill over yonder
With the beast in the gate.
See it keep screaming
See it in pain.
It continues to burn
Many eyes
Many faces
Yet they all scream the same
From inward they rage
As profanity reigns.
Little children, Young mothers
Fathers, Little Sisters,
Cousins and Brothers
They're tied to stakes
Sacrificial pyres
Lit from beneath
By the big man's own ire.
The world has no god.
There's nothing worth living.
Yet from day to day
Humans stay livid.
They cry
And they laugh.
They falter, they lie.
Some rage against the world,
Others force change.
Yet it all stays the same…
And Chaos Rains.
And Chaos Reigns…
Black thoughts, green wishes.
Needless violence gets in the way of purple visions.
One day beside,
And love despairs;
One heartless rose puts on airs.
Grim thought leave grey stains upon the minds of their victims.
Primal torture…eating at fear...
long forgotten: reach new ears.
Dreamless sleep exists without rest.
Nightmares take like parasites dear.
Dreaming oddities clear to clear
Is enjoyment that eventually disappears.
Could be near,
Those endless tears.
I've been seeking far too long to give my inner thought…
Any clout; ice cold leers.

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