Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Performers

She twirls and twirls,
In the sound of love,
Sorrow fleeting on the wind,
She dances merrily.
And to join in the furl,
An Opposite moves,
Sorrowfully with the wind,
Dancing hopefully.

These two opposites,
Liven the performance in the play,
So they practice, these opposites,
They weaken by the day.

Practice, Practice,
The days go on,
His wrath,
Her joy,
And they end their practice,
Tired and weary,
A groan escapes their lips,
Comforted by the dancing words...
Pleasured by the simple joy.

Their performance nears,
His Sorrow at its peak,
Her Happiness the highest it can be.
They meekly dance upon the stage,
Singing careful, wondrous songs,
And dance, they dance, they dance.

As their performance comes to an end,
As dear, as dear can be, deary,
His Sorrow profound,
The eaters eat,
Her Joy so bold,
The eater eats,
They bow before the praise,
Singing carefully,
One Last song,
As the curtain dances the stage away,
And so they dance, and they dance, and they dance.


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