Friday, May 25, 2012


Age is relavent to how we feel. Depending on how old we feel we are, we make differentvarying sets of choices. We ignore good advice, pay attention to spirituality, and even reminisce about things that could have happened only a month ago.

What I'm saying is that the young can feel old, and the old can feel young, depending on their outlook. If, for say, an eighty year old man watches cartoons, like tom and jerry, just for instance, feels young by doing so and remebering his youth, why don't others like him dong that? (If anyone who reads this is confused by who or what type of person i mean by others, i am referring to the stereotypical 40-year old socialite) It is because in thier viewpoint childish, and it makes them feel very old. The problem with what the person does, (retirement homes, insane-asylum, nursery home, cutting him out of the family), is that none of that is necessary.

When we get to the age, where we can feel our own age or others, is a point where we become selfish. We want to think of the best and age just isn't part of that group. NOBODY wants to feel old, or nostalgic, it gives a great pain that touches our souls in a profound way. When we feel age, we feel Death knocking at our door, ready to take us to whatever is next, whether it be another life or just void.
It scares the smallest of our young, in the primal cores of our being, just being near death, and at how easily it catches us.

To love thyself, to expect the best from oneself, and not because we want to please others, is the only way to combat our selfish, egotistical, maniacal and illogical inner natures. I say this because true love and respect for oneself is not easily found, and I wish for all people to have a chance to give to one another and become what we feel is holiest of holies, a true loving man.

"Man's innermost nature is dark, but what is dark but the shadow of light."



  1. Profound, ISA. It looks like you have been thinking about this a great deal. The young can contemplate life as an older person, just as an older person can reach back into memory and restore a moment in time along with the joy or sorrow of it. I wonder how much of either is something we create ourselves, our attitudes towards thoughts and experiences included. I like your quote.Whose quote is it? It seems we are somewhat like the shadow of light, but what is it that casts the shadow. There is something between the source of light and the shadow itself to cause the shadow to exist. What is that?

    1. I forget whose quote it is, and even if I'm recording it right, so I really can not give you an answer to your first question. To your second question, ANON, the thing that casts shadow is En, the middle gound, the fusion of everything, and nothing. En is no perfection, but neither is it chaos. It is and is not. And it is very similar to TAOISM'S The Way. The moment you try to explain what En is you really lose a grasp on it. Teaching En, is more about the parts that lead up to it, than the final product itself. Try to learn as you read my various posts on this blog about what all of the posts have in common, and what they all say.


    2. I'm very sorry, but I forgot to mention this in my previous post and need to rectify my mistake, I'm very sorry for not noticing this. Hmhm. While En is the Middle ground, there are two sources on opposite ends of the spectrum. Light's job is to brighten the Shadow, while Shadow's job is to darken the Light. En's job is simply as a negotiator. It makes it so they can coexist in the same, (Sorry about this, I don't like using this word as it scares people for some reason), dimension, and share the same space. Take a look at the Tao symbol, and what it represents. EN is very similar to what that symbol represents but it uses another symbol, a gray triangle in a circle.
